Tuesday, December 15, 2009 4:45 PM

These persons are enshrined within my heart:

There are a lot of people that have had a huge part in my life. I don't think I'd be anywhere if it weren't for the love and support of my family. My mom is definitely the most important person in my life and I love her so much. She means the world and more to me, and I have no idea where or who I'd be without her. My sister, Sophie, also means a lot to me. We have been best friends ever since birth. We have grown up doing pretty much everything together, and I love her so much. I love my brother, Dylan, as well. Our differences are what makes us that much closer. Although he's too tough to admit it, I know he loves me and I love him so much. My family means the world to me and their support and love means everything.

My family: Dylan, me, Sophie, Steve (my mom's fiance) and my Mom

My best friend Erica means a great deal to me, as well. She has been there for me throughout everything without judging me. We have encountered so much together and she is truly an incredible individual. I'm so blessed to have her as my friend and so thankful she is in my life. I know that as we grow older, we'll only strengthen our friendship. I love Erica so much and know that we'll be best friends for the rest of our lives.

My dog Reina (even though she's not a person, she still means a lot to me) is important too. My family got her in April of my sophomore year at Bellarmine. My sister used to constantly beg my mom for a dog, yet she always received the same answer: no. Finally, my mom gave in and we were able to get Reina, a miniature Australian Shepherd. I know it may seem weird for someone's dog to be of such importance to them, but Reina's my everything. As soon as we come home from school, she greets us with her tail (It's standard for her breed to get their tails removed when they're babies, so her tail's a little stub) as it wiggles at lightning speed. She is so loyal and friendly. She'll sleep on my legs at night and lick me when I say, "Reina, kiss!". She is the best dog ever and I'll be sad to leave her when college starts next year.

My grandparents are the most amazing people I know. They have encouraged me to do my best and pushed me to participate in activities such as Paging (in both the state of Washington and DC) and IYEP. Their love and support is unlike anything I could've imagined. They are so important to me and I love them to the moon and back.

With my grandma in my dorm room in DC on my first day (my grandpa couldn't come)

Chiara and her family, the Consolis, are my second family. I have lived with them for two weeks each summer
for two consecutive summers now and I've grown to be part of their family. I truly think of them as my Italian family. Giuliana and Fabio are so caring to me and treat me like their daughter when I'm in Rome. I love them and can never express how much they have made a difference in my life.

Next are my
Paging friends. Two of my three roommates, Manasa and Ashley, mean a lot to me. They brought out the best in me and put up with me for five months! They are truly my sisters and I can't wait to see them again in the future.

Upper Right: Ashley from New York and Manasa from Ohio (just ignore my friend Ben, he wasn't my roommate)

My friend Kate from San Francisco is one of my best friends. I remember meeting her on the 2nd day of Paging. We walked around the capitol delivering "runs" and ate lunch together. As we walked back to our dorm rooms, I remember saying to her, "It's so cool that I we have only known each other for a day and we're already such good friends". She just smiled and said, "I know!". I love Kate so much. We are so alike. Her crazy personality is so electrifying and I can't even imagine how my life would be without her in it.

Cody, Nick, Tucker, and Ben are four boys who are extremely important to me. Cody, from Texas, is one of the nicest guys I have ever met. He is so much fun to be around and always makes me feel good about myself. Nick, from North Carolina, is so wonderful. He is very funny and has the ability to make me laugh about everything. Tucker, my prom date from Arkansas, is probably the coolest guy I have ever met. He is so charismatic and honestly cares how other people feel. He is such a sweetheart. Lastly, Ben, from Arizona, is hilarious. He has a way of over analyzing everything. He is so organized and has to have everything perfect. Whenever we would go out, he would always make an itinerary for us to follow. It was such a joy to hang out with him. I love all these boys and am so glad they came into my life.

Cody, me, Tucker, and Nick in North Carolina over this past summer

Ben and me in the computer room in our dorm

My friends Olivia and Lennard (his real name's Logan, but I call him Lennard) mean the world to me as well. Olivia, from Boston, is one of the most interesting people I know. She speaks French fluently, has friends from all over the world, and is very smart, but in an interesting way. She was there by my side throughout everything in Pageland and I can truly say she was one of my best friends there. Lennard was like someone I have never met before. He was kind, caring, generous, and actually cared what I had to say. I love Lennard so much, probably more than he will ever know.

Three girls who I have shared many memories with are Kenzie, Gabrielle, and Katie. Nothing beats a night with them because they are always so crazy and fun. They are such amazing girls and I'm so glad I've gotten to know them well over the past three years. I love them so, so much.

Kenzie, Gabrielle, me, and Katie before our friend Chance's going away dinner (he was moving to Montana)

My old friend Katie Brown has been there for me through thick and thin. I was new to St. Vincent de Paul school in 3rd grade and she came during 4th grade. My mom called Katie's mom because she wanted to welcome her to St. Vincents. My mom went on to say that she was a single mom as well, and told Mrs. Brown that if she ever needed someone to talk to, she was there for her. They've been friends ever since, and so have Katie and I. I love the fact that I can tell Katie anything and she won't tell a soul. Her happiness and kindness is what I've come to adore. She recently moved to Snohomish after Mrs. Brown got married, but we see each other often.

Miss Keating, my
work boss in DC, is so wonderful. She was such a joy to work for. I loved coming to work every day, just to see her and her smiling face and to discuss the American Idol standings (we're fanatics!). Whenever a celebrity was in the capitol, she'd allow us to go and stalk them (going unnoticed, of course). She is so remarkable and I am so grateful to her for being the best work boss I have ever had.

Of course, my basketball coach, Coach White, will be enshrined in my heart forever. He was the most amazing man I have ever known and I cannot wait to join him up in heaven someday. I will never forget him.

Sunday, December 13, 2009 7:00 PM

These are my unfulfilled desires:

My biggest desire is to become a nurse. When I was in DC, I got appendicitis and had to have my appendix removed at a nearby hospital. At first, I thought it was just an annoying stomach pain that would eventually go away. Then when I ate in the Cannon building (one of three buildings surrounding the capitol that not many people eat at), I threw up all that night. I remember walking around the capitol, holding onto my stomach, wincing in pain. Finally, one night my roommate Manasa called her dad, a doctor, asking him if he could give us any insight into what was going on. I called my mom, and immediately started balling. The pain was so excruciating. Our hall proctor, Miss Allyson, came to get me and took me to the hospital.
My friend Kate accompanied Allyson and me to the George Washington Hospital and stayed with us for 12 hours. I love Kate for being such a great friend. Then, finally, I had the surgery after a night of pain. I stayed in the hospital for four days. I remember waking up and immediately looking at the little white board in my room that read, "Your nurse of the day is:" and then the nurse's name. I observed the nurses quite carefully. They were all so helpful and nice. They didn't get frustrated with me when I could barely get out of bed because of the pain in my stomach. They didn't mind that I had trouble eating foods other than liquids. They held my train of a gown up for me while I attempted to use the restroom. They were wonderful to me, and I owe them everything. They made my stay at the hospital a complete joy.
I want to become a nurse because I want to help people, just as those nurses helped me. I know how scary it can be to be in a hospital, unsure of what's to come next. I would ease their pain by being a caring, happy, supportive nurse. I hope this will all work out for me some day.

This is a poster my Page friends made for me while I was in the hospital. It has little notes from all of the Pages. My friends Olivia, Manasa, Ashley, and Kate brought it to me during my stay.

12:01 PM

These things I regret about my life:

There are a couple things I regret about my life. The first is that I didn't continue playing basketball. I played it from 4th grade up until my freshman year at Bellarmine, but just decided that if I wanted to keep my good grades, I had to sacrifice playing the sport that I loved. Although I miss it very much, I still keep my love for basketball alive. I watch almost every Boston Celtics game (they are my favorite team because Ray Allen plays for them!). I will always love basketball even though I didn't continue with it throughout the past couple of years.

Another sport I regret not going further with is volleyball. I really loved volleyball and got excited every time I got to play it. Unlike basketball, there was a lot less running involved, which is something I was extremely thankful for. I wish I would have tried out for volleyball at Bellarmine because I feel that I would have really enjoyed it. My volleyball team in 8th grade won the CYO Volleyball Championship. We won game after game in the playoffs. On our last game, we ended up losing the first game out of three and came back for a victory. We were ecstatic. I just remember hugging every single person I could see with the biggest smile upon my face. That was one of the happiest, greatest feelings I've ever felt.

My 8th grade volleyball team at St. Vincent de Paul school
after we won the CYO Volleyball Championship
Back left to right: Natalie, Arlene, Brianna, Alex, Sophie
Front left to right: Me, Maryam, Margarita, Lindsey, Sarah

Lastly, I regret quitting with piano. I played for three years and was pretty good. It wasn't really something I enjoyed, but now that I look back on those years, it would have been really cool to be a phenomenal piano player. Occasionally, I whip out my old books and play Fur Elise or Beauty and the Beast (on sheets of music my old teacher, Miss Hanson, gave me). It's fun to revive that old piano spirit; I just wish it could have been a stronger one.

Playing at a recital at age eight in 3rd grade

Saturday, December 12, 2009 2:06 PM

These influences have shaped my life:

There is one person in particular who has influenced me, my mom. She has been on my side throughout everything in my life. Her strength of raising three kids by herself it something I truly admire. She is a phenomenal individual. She has instilled so many good things within me that I owe her my life. No matter what the circumstances are, she is
backing me up 100% of the way. She pushes me to be my best and doesn't fault me for doing something bad. I am extremely appreciative of her and that she allowed me to travel to Italy and Washington DC all by myself. No matter what, above everything else, she wants for my siblings and me to be happy. She sacrifices everything in her power to do so. She love us so much and has no idea how much she affects me. She is without a doubt my role model, and I love her so very, very much.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009 7:32 PM

These sufferings have seasoned me:

The hardest suffering I had to endure was the death of my middle school basketball coach, Michael Love White. He
had been my coach for five years (4th-8th grade). Over the years we spent together, we grew extremely close. I viewed him as a father figure because of my dad's absense in my life. He chose me as team captain, and I was thrilled. Yet in being captain, he put the most pressure on me and openly exposed my faults to the rest of the team. I took it pretty hard, but after a while, I realized why he was doing this. He trusted me, and knew I could play better than I was playing.

Coach White had been struggling with cancer for years upon end. His health slowly deteriorated, leaving him tired, wobbly, and dependent on a cane to walk. I clearly remember the day when I found out Coach was in the hospital. I was at my best friend at the time Maryam Jafari's house. We were helping Mrs. Jafari bake cookies, when the phone rang. Mrs. Jafari answered, and then told us the news. The only thing I remember was trying to look at Maryam, but I wasn't able to due to the pool of tears forming in my eyes. Once I could see her, I saw she was crying too. At Coach's funeral, an essay I had written prior to his death was read aloud to the whole church. I completely lost it. Coach White was the most amazing man I have ever had the privilege of knowing. He was so kind to all of us and truly treated me like his daughter. I know that he's looking down on me from heaven with a proud smile on his happy brown face. I just want to make him proud.

With Coach White in 6th grade

Sunday, December 6, 2009 11:34 AM

These risks I took,
these dangers I have courted:

The biggest risks I have taken are participating in the International Youth Exchange Program and being a Page. It took huge courage for me to decide to live with a random family in a foreign country. The idea of being in Italy with an Italian family seemed more than I could dream of, yet when I was actually in Italy with the fast driving and loud people, I was a little scared. Plus, I didn't know the family (other than getting to know them through e-mails). But, I braved it out and it turned out to be one of the best, worthwhile experiences of my life.

Fabio, Lorenzo, me, Chiara, and Giuliana on our last night together last summer

Chiara and me before Chiara's friend Martina's 18th birthday party

At an art museum

With Paolo driving to the Camp de Fiori

With Giuliana and Fabio after getting gelato in the square

Franceso, Alessandro, me, Paolo, and Chiara walking around the Roman streets

Me, Chiara, and Lorenzo (Chiara's 13 year old brother) before climbing an obstacle course on ropes in the trees

Working as a Congressional House Page was a huge risk I took as well. I mean, how many high school students decide to live away from home for five months in a city across the country? Not many. I remember my mom telling me I
had been accepted by Congressman Adam Smith to be his Page for the semester. I remember thinking that I didn't want to be a Page anymore. But, somehow I forced myself to get on that 5.5 hour flight to the Dulles airport and to stand in the line of other high school juniors in the freezing cold to load our belongings into our new home. After that first day of the orientation, initiation ceremony, and Starbucks with my fellow Pages, I just remember that I wasn't even sad to see my family go. I'm so glad I took the risk of becoming a Page because it was honestly the most incredible experience I have ever been a part of.

With my sister Sophie in my dorm room (room 229) on my first day as a Page

A picture of the capitol with thousands of people that I took on my way to an outdoor concert on the capitol lawn

Posing by "Mr. Sam Page" with my friend Tucker during our ten minute break at school (Every morning, we'd look at Mr. Sam Page to read the sign that would tell us what time school would end that day)

(A video of me at the initiation ceremony receiving my Page pin on my first day as a Page. Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to rotate it!)

Saturday, December 5, 2009 7:34 PM

These convictions I have lived by:

There are two main convictions I have lived by. The first is the Golden Rule: treat others the way you would want to be treated. My mom used to tell my siblings and me that when we were younger, and it's stuck with me ever since. I'm constantly thinking of the way in which I act toward others and ask myself if it were happening to me, what I would think.

Another conviction I have lived by is that alcohol and drugs are not worth it. Honestly, I don't see the point of killing brain cells and making a fool out of oneself. I can name tons of other ways to have fun and enjoy yourself. I've never been interested in joining in childish fun of getting drunk and smoking, ever. It just seems so stupid to me. I once went to a Sonics game when I was eight with my family. For some reason, the streets were so crowded with cars and it was impossible to get out of the area. Finally, we saw what the problem was. There was a drunk man who was shouting and flailing his arms, running around like a guy gone crazy. I remember that was the first time I had ever encountered or seen someone like that, and I was scared out of my mind. I remember telling my mom as we watched him from the rearview mirror, "I will never end up like that". That moment made a huge impact on who I am today, and I am very glad that it has.

Ever since we were young, my mom has told us to always "treat others the way you want to be treated". (From left to right: Sophie, Dylan, me)

6:48 PM

These beliefs I have outgrown:

Throughout my life, I have grown up with the idea that all people are good. This, however, is not true at all. I now know that there are good people in this world, and then there are bad people. I have a tendency to trust others way too easily. I think, "Of course they won't tell anyone" or "Yes, they will give me back my clothes if they them". Somehow, I always end up paying for this trustfulness in the long-run. Living in a world full of fake people who
care only about themselves, it is hard to know who's someone you can trust. One of the most trustworthy people I know is my best friend, Erica Mummert. We met when we were in fourth grade
and have been close ever since. I trust Erica with my life, and I truly mean that. I am completely myself around her because she loves me no matter what. Whenever I've had a bad day or just need to vent something to someone, I immediately call her without hesitations. She listens and helps me through everything, no matter how small or big the problem is. I do the same for her. I tell her more things than I tell my own sister. I know that throughout our lives, we will continue to remain best friends and will always be there for each other no matter what.

2:51 PM

These experiences I have cherished:

I have had the privilege of having many great experiences that I am so grateful for. One of these is Camp Don Bosco. It's a camp in Carnation, Washington at the edge of the Snoqualmie

River Valley. My family and I have been going to their "family" camp ever since I was four years old. I have had so many amazing memories there with my family and the friends I've made there. It's a place where I will always feel welcomed.

Another experience is working a class full of great kids at DeLong Middle School in Tacoma, Washington for Community Service class last year. I worked with my friend Trent and sister Sophie in an adjusted K-2 class. It was so great to see the progress we made with the class. It was the greatest feeling to see their faces light up whenever we would walk into class. I miss those kids.

I am also grateful for my experience with the International Youth Exchange Program (IYEP). This program allowed me to travel to Rome, Italy and stay with an Italian family for two weeks. I stayed with the Consolis, who had a daughter named Chiara about the same age as me. After my stay in Rome, she came to stay with my family as well. Chiara and I are still friends and talk almost once a day. We have visited each other after the program ended, and hope to do so again this coming summer.

Last summer at the Colosseo

This summer when we went out to eat with four other Italian families

During dinner when an old man sang to me in Italian. When I didn't respond, someone said "Americana" and he understood. At the end of the song, he said, "I love you". It was really funny and everyone was laughing so hard.

Alessandro, Francesco, me, and Paolo at about 4 in the morning (everyone goes out at night, not during the daytime because of the heat)

Riding Chiara's vespa to the one of the largest shopping centers in Europe

I am also thankful for my experiences of Paging, both in Washington state and Washington, DC. I was a Senate Page when I was an eighth grader at St. Vincent de Paul. I stayed in Olympia at my grandparents' house and was driven to the capitol every day. My siblings and I paged for a week. It was a great experience where I met various individuals from around the state, some of whom I'm still in touch with today!

Paging in Washington, DC was by far the greatest experience I have ever been a part of. I worked as a Congressional House Page for Congressman Adam Smith. I got to live in the city of our nation's capitol, surrounded by kids my age from all over the country. I met people from Arkansas, Texas, New York, North Dakota, you name it! I also got to attend school (at 6:45 a.m... yuck!) in the attic of the Library of Congress. Living, studying, and working in DC is something I will never, and I mean never, forget. I have made my best friends there and look forward to seeing them again. Some of the world's most influential people even roamed around the capitol (and we got to stalk them!). If I could, I would go back and do the Page Program all over again, 100 times over. It was truly incredible.

The whole Page class with the Clerk of the House, Lorraine C. Miller, in front of the capitol building (I'm on the left in the last row that's sitting near the top)

Me, Kate, Manasa, and Anam in front of the White House

Me, my mom, and sister on our way to the Page initiation ceremony

Cameron, me, and Hayden at a restaurant called "America" in Union Station

Anam, Olivia, me, Lennard, and Manasa at a bowling alley in Virginia

Lennard, me, and Olivia playing SingStar at the Washington Nationals baseball game

My roommate Ashley and me at a fundraiser basketball game: Congressmen/Senators vs. Georgetown lawmakers

Kate, Manasa, and me at school (attic of the Library of Congress)

Kate, Allison, Crystal, Manasa, me, Haian, and Priscilla for a cross-hall (there are two girls halls: short-hall and long-hall) sleepover

Bianca, me, and Manasa walking to home from work in the pouring rain

Priscilla, me, and Manasa in room 229 (Manasa and my room)

Audrey and I on our way to an outdoor concert at the capitol

Bianca, Cody, me, and Nick in Baltimore for a Socratic Seminar (on the bay)

Olivia, me, Cameron, Hayden, Lennard, and Bianca at Georgetown University

Caleb and I at Five Guys!

My roommate Manasa and I walking around DC in front of the Washington Monument

The Clerk of the House, Lorraine C. Miller, and I at our prom

Some of the Pages at Lennard and Audrey's birthday bash at Buca di Beppo

Me, Marissa, Kate, Olivia, Joe, and Lennard walking through the basement of the capitol to go home after a long day at work

Maggie and I at our prom (on a yacht!)

Dome tour with Anjelica, Lennard, and Olivia in front of the Washington Monument (we were on top of the capitol)

Olivia and I at dinner

Me, Audrey, and Kate walking home from Union Station in the rain

Monica, Sarah, me, Sophia, Anjelica, Neiko, Olivia, Crystal, and Manasa eating lunch in one of the three buildings surrounding the capitol, Longworth

Kate and I at La Repúpublica del Congo Embassy with a drummer

Paddle boats with Bianca and Ben in the springtime

Bianca and I at Shenandoah National Park in Luray, Virginia after the long trek to the top

Brinkerhoff and me before school (we had assigned seating for morning assembly, and I got to sit by Brinkerhoff because our names were so close in the alphabet)

Olivia and I walking up the steps to the top of dome of the capitol

Me, Manasa, and Kate after dinner at Nick's Seafood Restaurant

David, Sophia, Manasa, me, Olivia, and Sarah at The Cheesecake Factory for Sophia's birthday dinner

Sami, Kate, Andre, Anjelica, me, Brinkerhoff, Manasa, Andy, Jose, Tucker, Bianca, and Neiko at an outdoor ice skating rink

Hayden, Lennard, and me on our way home from dinner posing by a Top Chef truck

Kate and I in front of the capitol when we went on a "city of DC" tour

Kate, me, Anam, and Manasa waiting in the Rotunda for the Queen and King of Jordan

Most of the Pages on the last day before departure in the Day Room (I'm near the bottom right in pink)

Cody, Nick, Kate, Audrey, me, and Sami at our St. Patrick's Day dance

Kate and I walking from the capitol to the Cannon building to go home from work

My prom date Tucker Travis (from Arkansas)

Kate, me, and Sarah at the Washington Wizards game after we got our faces painted

My Spanish Class: Mr, Ashton, me, Bruner, Nick, Allison, Raven, and Haian
My roommates Manasa (from Ohio), Ashley (from New York), me, and Anam (from New York)

At the DC United game with Kate, Cody, Nick, and Sami